Respondus LockDown Browser froze during my exam. What do I do?

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Respondus LockDown Browser froze during my exam. What do I do?

  • When LockDown Browser appears to “freeze” it is sometimes due to a dialog box from other applications appearing underneath the LockDown Browser or there are blocked/corrupted web links. To solve this issue, the LockDown Browser will need to be restarted. If the instructor has the “Student Early Exit” feature enabled, you can exit the exam and provide a reason for ending the session early and restart the exam. Similarly, if a proctor is available, they can use the “Proctor Exit Password” to close and restart the browser. If neither of these options are available, you will need to power off your computer by holding the power button for 5-30 seconds (depending on the model), wait a few moments, and then turn the machine back on. You can find more detail on this process in the Respondus Knowledgebase article Lockdown Browser froze during a test and I cannot exit.
  • For the best test-taking experience, it is recommended that you make sure that any pending Windows updates have been applied and restart your computer before beginning your exam. It is recommended to use a hard-wired Internet connection for exams. If this is not possible, and you must use a wireless network connection, try to identify a test-taking location that provides a strong, reliable wireless signal as close possible to your router or access point. On shared network connections, such as at home, you should also take care to shut down other bandwidth-intensive applications such as gaming consoles or video streaming.

If you continue to have issues and suspect that it may be a problem with your computer, laptops that support Respondus LockDown Browser are available for checkout from Prescott Memorial Library. It is recommended that you contact Circulation at (318) 257-3555 for more information on availability

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