Before you get to campus…
Have you received the email containing your CWID, Campus PIN, and username?
- Log on to the password website, click “claim your new account”, and create a password to access your email.
- Log in to your email account.
- Gmail accounts use
- Then log into Gmail with username and password.
- Workday and Duo will be set up during orientation.
When arriving on campus
- Set up wifi connection.
- Log in to WPA2 with your tech username and password.
- Set up router in dorm.
- Not every dorm will require a router.
- Pick up student ID from the Tech Express office.
Enrolled Students
Have you set up DUO?
- Download the Duo Mobile app from your app store.
- Next, header over to the Tech MFA site.
- Additional instructions are available here.
Confirm that Workday is working correctly
- Go to Workday.
- Log in with both your credentials and the Duo app.