Where is CIT located?
The Center for Instructional Technology is located in office suite 1014 of the Prescott Memorial Library, which is located on the east side of Wyly Tower. Take the library lobby elevators to the 10th floor and proceed down the hallway to the right of the elevators to the entrance for the Center for Instructional Technology (CIT).
When is the CIT open?
Our normal hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, except during quarter breaks. However, our hours may vary depending on CIT team availability. Contact CIT for the hours of operation during the Summer Quarter or quarter breaks. CIT is not open on weekends.
Does CIT take requests for workshop offerings?
We welcome ideas for future workshops and are receptive to training topics that will enable faculty to better utilize instructional technologies.
Can I direct a technology workshop for other Tech faculty members?
We encourage faculty to conduct workshops for other instructors, especially when they can introduce their peers to new instructional technologies or new ways to use existing instructional technology. Instructional technology programs are strengthened by faculty members leading peer training. CIT will be glad to assist in the scheduling, preparation and support of such workshops. Contact CIT at 318.257.2912 or via email (CIT@LATech.edu) with any ideas you have for a peer lead training workshop.
How can I get started using the Canvas Course/Learning Management System?
CIT staff are available to help you get started. Contact CIT at 318.257.2912 or via email (CIT@LATech.edu) and request that your courses be added to Canvas. CIT will set up your course(s) and assist you in learning how to use the course management system. Faculty self-training modules are available through CIT. Individual or group training on Canvas can be scheduled by contacting CIT.
How can I have a META course created when I’m teaching multiple sections of the same course?
Please fill out the META request form.
Does the CIT loan out equipment such as digital cameras, digital video cameras or laptops for faculty use?
CIT equipment is limited and used exclusively for training sessions, so we do not have the capacity to loan out equipment as of now.
Does CIT have multimedia equipment for editing and developing course contents?
CIT does not currently have physical equipment for editing and developing course contents, but it does have the expertise to assist in these areas. Please contact CIT directly (CIT@LATech.edu)
May I call on the CIT when I have technical problems with my computer?
CIT is responsible for assisting faculty to utilize classroom-based technologies. Network and software-related problems should be directed to the Computing Center Helpdesk (318.257.5300). Hardware-related problems should be reported to Technical Services Department (318.257.3097). When calling CIT with any technology-related problem, you will be directed to the one of the above appropriate departments for assistance.
General Information
Can’t see/do anything
You need to completely signout. To do this, click Account in Global Navigation and click Logout under the name. Then log back into CAS like normal and see if the problem has been resolved.
Can’t find/see a course
From your Canvas Dashboard, click on Courses then All Courses to view all classes. You can click the Favorite icon (star) to favorite the course to add it to your Dashboard.
Removing a course from Dashboard
In Global Navigation, click the Courses link. Then click the All Courses link. If a course in the Past Enrollments list is favorited, you can click the Favorite icon to unfavorite the course.
Rearrange courses on Dashboard
Drag & drop the course card, or select Move from the triple-dot menu for the card.
Can’t see Course Navigation menu (options on the left in white)
In the course, click on the 3 lines at the top next to the name of the course.
Issues with Respondus
View the Help Document for instructor and student directions.
Student Information
Can’t find/see a course
When did you register? Can take up to 12 hours after registration for course(s) to appear. If later, In Global Navigation, click the Courses link. Then click the All Courses link. If it is not there, you need to completely signout. To do this, click Account in Global Navigation and click Logout under the name. Then log back into CAS like normal and see if the problem has been resolved.
Need more help
In Global Navigation (blue menu on the left), click the Help button and “Chat with Canvas Support (Students)”.
Faculty Information
Publish my course
For students to view and access your course, you must publish it. Once your course contains a graded submission, you can no longer unpublish your course. Follow this guide to Publishing a Course.
Email students in Canvas
Inbox can be used as an in-Canvas email system. Inbox is a two-way messaging tool used instead of email to communicate with members of a course, a group, or an individual user. You can communicate with people in your course at any time. View the Inbox guide.
Allow Students to See Quiz Before/After
You can make a quiz available to all your students before or after the due date by setting availability dates. For further information use this guide.
Give extension in Canvas
If you are looking to change quiz dates for individual students, you can assign a quiz to an individual student.
How To: In the Assignment/Quiz/Discussion, click the Assign To field. Then, select one or more assignees. You can assign it to a course section or an individual student.
Need more help
In Global Navigation (blue menu on the left), click the Help button and “Chat with Canvas Support (Faculty)”.